
(8 customer reviews)



Winner of the 2015 Art and Olfaction Award in the artisan category, Woodcut links our contemporary, technology-based society to raw nature. Strong lines and delicate tracery combine to tell an archetypal tale of man’s rape of the earth. Woodcut conjures up dark images of ancient trees inhabited by spirits from a time when the earth was new, the flowing sap of felled trees, and the burnt sugar of the trees’ blood when it is heated by the saws of lumbermen and builders. The inspiration for this fragrance came from passing by a building site where old trees had been newly cut for a development and lumber was being sawed for a fence. The scent of cut wood was intoxicatingly beautiful and primitive, like a fleeting glimpse of the invisible essence of life spilled carelessly on the ground and burned as an offering to human greed. Released 2014.  Notes: Fractional distillations of pine and cedar, oakwood absolute, tolu balsam, olibanum, caramel, burnt sugar, vanilla.

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5 ml travel spray, 15 ml spray, 30 ml spray, 100 ml spray, sample

8 reviews for Woodcut

  1. ghelms (verified owner)

    This is the scent that introduced me to Olympic Orchards! As a child, mornings were full of the scent of fresh cut wood as my Dad built the cabinetry and other woodwork for our house. This beautifully captures the scent of freshly cut woods and clean new sawdust, a nice clean scent where you can *almost* smell the steel of the saw….except for the note of vanilla. Personally I’d tone down the vanilla a bit more, but it does provide a nice counterpoint to the wood….as if mom were baking in the morning while Dad did the woodwork. Part of my regular rotation.

  2. owenscottgibbs (verified owner)

    One of my favorite scents of all time. Smells like how I remember my dad as a child, after he’d come inside after a long day’s work in the woods covered in brambles, sawdust and sap and sweet sweat on his skin… Everyone loves this one.

  3. Jeff Robinson (verified owner)

    I traded for this one at the beginning of my scent collection. Knowing my love for woody scents and Ouds, I was not disappointed. Now I’ve collected at least 400 bottles from all over the world. Designers, niche, All consisting of many notes and combinations. Yet, I keep coming back to this one. Always loved it.

  4. barbara (verified owner)

    Holz bis zum Morgen

    Frisch gefällte Bäume liegen am Waldrand.
    Von weitem schon rieche ich den harzigen Saft, der zwischen den Fasern hervortritt. Der mächtige Stamm bietet mir die Stirn. Schreiend zeigt er seine Jahresringe:
    Wie lange habe ich gebraucht, so groß zu werden? Zähle!
    Wieviele harte Winter und trockene Sommer habe ich überstanden? Schau genau hin!
    Ich fühle den nackten Stamm. Kühl, feucht.
    Ich spüre den Zwiespalt in mir:
    – Ja, es dauert lange, bis ein Baum so mächtig werden kann!
    Und nicht einmal eine Stunde bis er am Boden liegt.
    – Und ja, ich liebe es, den Holzlöffel zu nehmen, um mein Essen zu kochen,
    die Obstschale aus Olivenholz in der Hand zu halten.
    Das Küchenmesser mit dem Griff aus Pflaumenholz liegt so gut in meiner Hand.

    Gedankenversunken atme ich den herrlichen Duft ein.
    Der ganze Wald scheint in ihm zu mir zu sprechen.
    Er singt das Lied vom Leben. Vom Wachsen und Vergehen. Vom Frieden.
    Er singt bis in die Tiefen der Seele.

    Am Abend sitze ich am Lagerfeuer und genieße die Wärme, die Glut, die tanzenden Flammen. Ich stimme ein in die Lieder, summe die Melodien bis tief in die Nacht.

    Am nächsten Morgen trage ich noch die Erinnerung in den Haaren.


    Der Duft startet mit sehr intensivem Holz. Für mich ist dabei der harzige Nadelholzduft im Vordergrund. Auf Armlänge ist er total angenehm, von Nahem zu scharf. Er bleibt lange so intensiv, wird aber nach einer Stunde milder und weicher. Das Harzige wird zu Weihrauch. Karamell und Vanille nehme ich nicht wahr. Vielleicht tragen sie dazu bei, dass er anschmiegsam weich wird. Er bleibt auf meiner Haut bis zum nächsten Morgen deutlich wahrnehmbar.
    Der 15 ml Flakon ist großartig! Ein Würfel mit zwei abgeschnittenen Ecken. Allerdings ohne Sprühkopf (was mich nicht stört).

  5. z.r.brodsky (verified owner)

    I don’t know when I became obsessed with Woodcut, but here we are. Out of all the woody perfumes I’ve tried — and I’ve tried many at this point — this one is hands-down my favorite. It’s such a warm, inviting, comfortable, lived-in scent that I find myself reaching for it and even just thinking about it often.

    Woodcut is almost deceptive in its simplicity, because it’s so evocative. It’s walking into my dad’s wood shop in summer. It’s cracking the top of creme brulee with a spoon. It’s my favorite flannel fresh out of the dryer. It’s resting my hand on a tree trunk to catch my breath while hiking. It’s just beautifully vital and I never want to run out.

  6. Lauren Funk (verified owner)

    It’s giving Home Depot lumber department / my grandpa’s wood shop, and I’m here for it. I was worried about the caramel note but I think it’s JUST there enough to go with the resin-y cut wood notes. I LOVE love this one!

  7. besito (verified owner)

    *A masterpiece*

    I first sampled Woodcut in 2018. Then I gave a sample to my husband. He immediately LOVED it. That’s a lot coming from him because he’s not one to love anything that fast. Hiking and camping in the woods, boy scouts training, memories of childhood and adolescence – in a perfume. Soon after I gifted him a full bottle. Woodcut lasts long on him. Yes, it has a sweetness from the caramel and vanilla notes, but on him with his body chemistry, it’s toned down and it morphs into lovely sophisticated woods. Everything is just so well blended. Woodcut has become his winter signature scent. Thank you Olympic Orchids <3

  8. Danielle Roberts (verified owner)

    I love Woodcut, and I know I’ll be repurchasing again and again. The fresh cut lumber opening is amazing on its own, and then the burnt sugar and vanilla notes becoming increasingly prominent as it dries down is perfection. You know a scent is special when you think about it while you aren’t even wearing it. Definitely one of my favorites of all time.

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